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This isn't for babies yo!

They say you shouldn't say anything bad about being pregnany; "just ask God to give you grace to keep on keeping on". I am tired of being 'pregnant', O ti su mi . I'm sorry; I know there are many people who would kill to carry a baby and all that. I pray for them that when they do, it won't be half as trying as mine has been. For 8 weeks in my first trimester, I went to the hospital twice a week to take Gestone injections to boost my progesterone. On the average, pelvic pressure isn't supposed to start till the second half of your third trimester; mine started at about 20 weeks. At least 3 times, I had gone to the hospital because - spotting. Who likes to see blood from their vjayjay when they're supposed to be pregnant. I even slightly flunked a work appraisal because I noticed, just before I walked in for my presentation, that I was bleeding. At about 26 weeks I was admitted; this time the blood was red and fresh-looking. I was discharged aft

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