Belly Police and Exhaustion

On Policing my Pregnant Belly...

Earlier on in this pregnancy, my belly was well hidden in my clothes. Even when it showed, it looked like 'big-lunch' belly, not baby bump. Plus, I'm not skinny, so I'm sure some people just passed it off as - 'she's a fatso'.  

Now, my belly is an entity, complete with a protruding bellybutton that shows through any fabric like an arrow head, and people think the bold look translates to an invitation to play with my belly. I think this is absolutely inappropriate. I don't even like strangers merely talking about me being pregnant; so trying to cop a feel is an absolute no-no.

I'm not scared of people not wishing me well, and trying cause my baby harm, physically or spiritually. I have God protecting this child even more than I can ever try to. I just don't want anyone in my personal space! That's fair enough, no?

* * *

On Exhaustion (18+)...
I never really understood the gravity of pregnancy exhaustion until a few days ago when I slept off in the middle of 'getting busy' with the hubbs. I went for it; I was all up in his business, then things suddenly slowed down. I opted for a more passive role, and ... I don't  know what happened after.

He told me the following day that we took a break because I said I was tired, and after what he believed was a good enough rest time, he reached over and I responded with a snore. 

Knowing my husband well, this will haunt me for a whiiiiiiiiiiiile!


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