This isn't for babies yo!

They say you shouldn't say anything bad about being pregnany; "just ask God to give you grace to keep on keeping on". I am tired of being 'pregnant', O ti su mi. I'm sorry; I know there are many people who would kill to carry a baby and all that. I pray for them that when they do, it won't be half as trying as mine has been.

For 8 weeks in my first trimester, I went to the hospital twice a week to take Gestone injections to boost my progesterone. On the average, pelvic pressure isn't supposed to start till the second half of your third trimester; mine started at about 20 weeks. At least 3 times, I had gone to the hospital because - spotting. Who likes to see blood from their vjayjay when they're supposed to be pregnant. I even slightly flunked a work appraisal because I noticed, just before I walked in for my presentation, that I was bleeding. At about 26 weeks I was admitted; this time the blood was red and fresh-looking. I was discharged after two nights, baby still in tummy. Praise God. I remember smiling though the Pediatrician's premature birth speech, even though my head was spinning.

Four weeks or so later, I spent Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day in the hospital. I had these horrible menstrual-like cramps; thankfully I wasn't bleeding. I discovered that sitting on the toilet and making like I wanted to do a Number 2 gave me relief. I must have gone to the toilet about 12 times on Christmas Eve.

I'd just like to thank God for doctors and the wisdom He has given them to correctly figure out what ails us and how we can get relief. I'm 32 weeks and change today. I've been told to drink more water, a lot more. My blood hemoglobin count is lower than it should be. I want to do Green Smoothies to encourage that to improve. I still feel the cramps, and they can stop me in my tracks and cause tears, but I have ways to get relief.

I'm praying to God to help us hold out till at least 36/37 weeks. This baby seems eager to meet Daddy and I. We're eager too!


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