The Good, The Not-So-Good and The Not-Good-At-All Part 1

The Good

I love watching my belly grow. Sometimes I think I feel it stretching out. I prayed against a puffy nose and lips, and all that fun stuff and I'm grateful to God for granting my request. I'm happy with the way I look on most days. And of course, the baby is healthy.

The Not-So-Good and the Not-Good-At-All

I'm putting all these together 'cause I can't figure out how to rank them. My left foot is so swollen that my muscles seem to have stiffened and I now walk with a small limp.

Sleeping is almost a luxury now. Finding a comfortable position is such a pain. I can't even toss and turn in peace; I have to jarunpa carefully. I'm sleeping for many hours but not getting enough quality sleep. I just want to lie on my belly like before and sleep like a worri-less baby.

Round ligament pain - Dang!


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